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How New Parents Can Save Money and Stretch Their Budgets

You spent months filling up a nursery with expensive furniture, baby clothes and boxes of diapers, all in preparation for the day that you would bring a little bundle of joy home from the hospital. Now that your beautiful baby has finally arrived, you need to start thinking about the expenses coming around the corner.

Parents that are working with a tight budget will want to save as much money as they can while making sure that their child is provided for. If you’re in this situation, read these practical tips that will help you pare down costs.

Hold Off On Buying Clothes

Stocking up the nursery dresser with brand-new onesies from the store will be a waste of money. For such a small amount of fabric, baby clothes can have hefty price tags. They will be incredibly expensive for something that will likely get worn one or two times before your infant moves up a size.

Start by using up any of the appropriately-sized items given as baby shower gifts. Ask for donations and hand-me-downs from other parents who don’t have any use for baby clothes anymore. Anyone that knows their way around a sewing machine can make DIY baby clothes like leggings and hats to stack into the nursery dresser. Since the clothing will be so small, you can do a lot more with the length of fabric that you buy.

Another easy way to save on your family’s expenses is to skip out on buying baby shoes — they won’t be walking for months, and when they do, they will do it barefoot. Much like baby clothes, little shoes are expensive and become useless within weeks. Get soft booties for a tiny fraction of the price to keep their feet warm when they go outside.

Think About Daycare Now

You may not be thinking about daycare at the moment, but you should start right away. For one, daycare availability can be competitive depending on your location. The daycare center closest to you could be full by the time you’re thinking of signing up.

The second reason why you need to think about daycare as soon as possible is that it will become one of your biggest expenses. The average cost for daycare in the country is $11,666 per year — this means parents have to be ready to pay $972 every single month. The price varies depending on your location and the age of your child. The costs rise with younger children because they require more professional attention and care at the center.

Paying for childcare can be difficult, especially when you’re dealing with a strict budget. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, families living under the poverty line spent approximately 30% of their income on childcare and families that live above the poverty line spent 9% of their income.

As parents, you may need to look at your finances to see if daycare is the right decision, or if the stay-at-home parent option would be easier. A stay-at-home parent would mean no childcare costs, but it also means the potential loss of an income. As a compromise, you can see if either of your employers offer alternatives like working from home or modifying your work schedule.

Change Your Budget Priorities

Now that you have a baby, your priorities have completely changed, and your budget needs to reflect that. One of the first things you should do is revisit your budget and see if it’s catering to your new lifestyle — if it’s falling short of your expectations, you need shift savings and cut costs.

Try to push more savings into costs for the baby, like saving up for childcare and buying fresh diapers. Trim down costs that used to be essential like entertainment, memberships, dining out and shopping. Cutting down unnecessary costs will give your budget a little more wiggle room.

You will need that wiggle room in case an unexpected cost pops up. If you have no money to take care of it, you can go to a website like MoneyKey to take out a fast loan. Whether you’re dealing with an overdue bill or a broken water heater, you will appreciate having a simple and speedy solution.

You can fill out an application for a loan online and get the money you need in as soon as one business day. Any parents that are stressed from a sudden financial slip can find out more information today by visiting the official website or by downloading the mobile app.

Providing for your growing family will be overwhelming at first. But just like other aspects of parenthood, you will get used to the changes and eventually completing your tasks will become second nature to you. You will find that cutting costs and putting your baby’s needs ahead of yours will become a matter of instinct.

3 Thefts You Should Be Concerned About

While you can’t stop every theft out there, you want to do all you can to prevent theft from coming into your life.

With that in mind, have you been successful up to now in this regard?

Even one theft that is successful against you can have repercussions for years.

So, what thefts should you be most concerned about now and moving forward?

Don’t Take Crime in a Light Manner

As you do your best to avoid becoming the next theft victim, here are three that should concern you:

1. Identity theft – If able to steer clear of identity theft, consider yourself fortunate. Identity theft can have quite the repercussions when it strikes. So that you can lessen the odds of it happening to you, find a company offering identity theft protection. Such a plan will allow you peace and comfort. This is because you know someone is watching over your financial activities for you. So, whether you opt for Identity Guard or another provider, have one watch your financial back. You can trust a provider to alert you when something seems is amiss. Last, make sure you protect your personal financial info at all times. For instance, do not check an online bank account on a computer you can’t be sure has protection from viruses. Also, do not be handing out your username and password for email accounts and more. Always know the things to avoid with your finances to keep criminals at arm’s length. By using some commonsense, you are less likely to become the next victim.

2. Home invasion – Given how much your home means to you, do you go out of your way to make sure it is as safe as possible? Too many homeowners and renters don’t use commonsense when protecting their homes. As a result, they can open the door to crime before they know it. From having a home security system to making sure all windows and doors stay locked, use your head. The last thing you ever want is to have your home invaded. It is also wise if traveling to wait until you return from your trip to post comments and images on social sites. Many criminals use the social networks to find out which homes may be empty.

3. Owning a small business – Finally, if you own a small business, how safe is it? While you may worry about outside threats, what about the potential for inside ones? If you have employees, do you trust them? This is why it is important during the hiring process to do your best to get the cream of the crop. Even one employee going rogue against you can have damaging effects for years to come. From stealing customer info to providing info to your competitors can be bad. Always make it a point to protect your business investments.

As you look to avoid thefts of varying kinds, are you winning the battle?

In the event you are, don’t let up now.

Learning to Drive Again After An Accident

Car accidents can leave you incredibly shaken and whether it was your fault or not, the event could leave you with a great deal of apprehension when it comes to getting back behind the wheel. We often here people say that if you fall off the horse you need to get back in the saddle, but that is far easier said than done. After my accident last year, a Los Angeles personal injury lawyer who was dealing with my claim told me that I should only drive again when I felt ready, and it was a long time before I felt truly confident behind the wheel. If you have been involved in an accident, here is how to gradually find your driving shoes again. 

Consider a Lesson

A great piece of advice which I heard, unfortunately this was after I had started driving again, is to pay for a driving lesson. The reason that this is such a good idea is that the driving instructor will have brakes under the passenger seat, should they feel that you need to slow down or stop. Secondly a driving instructor can help you to give you the confidence to drive again, without any pressure at all. If you call the driving instructor and let them know your situation, they will also be able to tailor a route which will help you to experience different situations on the road.

Short Journeys 

When you get started behind the wheel of the car again, it is important that the first journeys which you take are very short, and in areas with a low speed limit. The key here is getting used to other road users, and hazards which occur whilst driving. You should start off taking these small trips just once per day, gradually building up your confidence.


Having someone in the car with you for morale support is a very good idea which can help you to get that confidence back. Make sure that the person in the car is not a nervous passenger or a backseat driver, but someone who will be respectful, quiet and non-judgemental. Once you feel confident with someone in your car, it is time to go it alone, and build up your own self esteem when it comes to deriving the car alone.


During your road to recovery you should only be driving in the daytime, but once you have found your feet again, it is time to take some trips after dark. When you drive in the dark you need to be more aware and more alert than during the day, which will be the perfect ultimate test to see just how far you have come since the accident.

You will feel confident once again if you take your time on the road and gradually, you will feel comfortable driving, just like before the accident took place.

Getting Prepared if You are Named as a Defendant in a Criminal Case

If you have been charged with a crime and perhaps arrested, it can be emotionally overwhelming and demoralizing. Many people will become very emotional, not be able to focus and be filled with anger or despair. Although these feelings are understandable, you need to get past them as quickly as possible because there are things you need to do to help yourself get prepared for your defense. Here is a list of a few critical things you can do to prepare yourself:

Stay Calm

This seems counter-intuitive but it is of the utmost importance. Being calm allows you to make good decisions and think through what is important. Remember, your case is important to you and also to your family. They need you to be clearheaded and rational. So every time you feel yourself getting worked up and feeling unsafe during the process, take some deep breathes and commit to focusing on the best possible outcome for your case.

Hire the Best Attorney You can Afford

Although some will not admit it, the attorney you choose will make all the difference in the outcome of your case. The harsh reality is that there are some attorneys who know the law and other attorneys who understand how to win cases. Great attorneys like Toledo Ohio based Groth and Associates understand all of the elements needed to put up a vigorous defense and can utilize the elements of a case to get their clients the best possible outcome. Sometimes tat outcome is the client walking away free and other times it is getting the lightest possible sentence or probation.

Good attorneys are always honest and clear with their clients about the likely outcome of their case and they prepare the client and the case to getting this outcome as a minimum. Good attorneys typically cost more, but the added expense is well spent because their results are better.

Selecting a good attorney can be challenging but some ways to make sure that you are speaking with one is to research their past cases and see how they have performed. Attorneys today love to place their success stories on their website. Check in their client reviews section and read what others are saying about their performance. Also ask questions in your consultation about their approach to a case like yours, if they are familiar with the judge and what they think will likely be the outcome of your case and why.  Their responses will give you a great indication of who you are dealing with, their level of expertise, and how they think.

Make Note of All of the Details of Your Case

Any time there is a criminal case, the defendant immediately knows that it will be serious and could potentially mean jail time. But all of this will only be determined b the facts in the case and the facts will mostly need to backed up by evidence. Part of that evidence is the details that occurred relating to the potential crime. The more facts that are available, the clearer the picture that can be drawn so you need to put in writing at your first available opportunity exactly what happened and what you remember about the incident.  You should include every small and big detail including any names, locations, times, what was said and done before, during, and after the incident. You also need to notate the procedures and behavior of the police, any questions asked of you and your responses. Again, every detail is important and sometimes the smallest detail can make a big difference, so write everything down.

Your attorney will oversee all of the elements of your case and advise you every step of the way on the proper course of action. Follow instructions and good luck.


Teaching Design Students the Skills for Success

Creative design is a competitive and challenging field. Those working in the field must be prepared for a fast changing industry that uses the newest business approaches and technology tools. It requires a multiple set of skills and an ability to implement these skills on the fly. Here are some of the most important skills that students need to learn from design schools or design programs like  to be successful in the creative design field.


Creativity of course sits at the top of the list of qualities needed for design students to be successful. Many argue that creativity cannot be taught and that a student needs to possess it or will not be able to do the job. No one however argues about whether creativity can be harnessed, focused and refined. Creativity is a process and each process once examined has room for improvement.

The best design schools understand this and seeks to both understand each student’s creative process, and then compare it with others who are successful and find the commonalities and the ways to make the student’s creative process more efficient. This is key because creativity at a job must be at its highest level and occur within timelines. By improving on the creative process the student becomes more successful at the position.


Designers rarely work alone. In addition to being in a team of several or many designers, the designer must work alongside architects, engineers, project managers and other related professionals. So the person must not only be capable of functioning well in this environment, the person must excel because of this environment. For this reason students must be placed constantly in collaborative environment and with those who have dissimilar personality types and work approaches.


Each design position will come with responsibilities that must be consistently met on time and within the quality tolerances given. Students will be told what is expected and have to self-manage their time and outputs. For this reason, giving them wide ranging responsibilities and latitude on how to spend their time prepares them for their coming careers. Those who can self-manage are more likely to be the ones who excel.

Goal Setting

Goal setting is important no matter the endeavor and is a core requirement in the creative design field. Designers must always  seek to break new ground and reach new heights with their work. They must constantly push to create better and more useful designs that improve things. This starts with setting lofty goals and understanding the processes and tools needed to get there. This starting at the end and then working backward teaches students to imagine and then plan for reaching that goal. If it is not possible they learn how to moderate expectations on the fly and make adjustments to their designs as needed.

The best design schools must follow a specific and rigorous strategy for getting students ready for their professional careers. The approaches above are some of their key methods for the preparation of all their students.

Examples of When You Need To Lawyer Up

Whether we care to admit it or not, there are many times in our lives when we will need to call on the support of a lawyer or legal professional. For this reason it really makes sense for you to spend some time trying to get a good lawyer into your contact book, so that when the time comes, you can be prepared. Ladah law firm in Vegas is a good reference point for me as they were the firm that I contacted 2 years ago after an incident. I never thought that I would see the day that I needed a lawyer, but alas, life caught me out. I wanted to give you just a few examples of times when you need a lawyer, to show you why it is important that you have one on speed dial.

Personal Injury

The incident that I have just referenced happened 2 years ago when I was working, and I slipped over because no wet floor sign had been placed after cleaning. I injured my back and my neck, and lost work and money as a result. Personal injuries that aren’t your fault can happen at any time, and in any place, and when they do, you will need to lawyer up in order to get some justice.


Nobody enters into a marriage with the idea of divorcing, but the rates of divorce do paint a worrying picture of the amount of separations that there are. Once again, if you are married then you won’t be thinking of divorce, but then again, who does? Facts are facts and a lot of divorces take place, which could see you on the hunt for a divorce lawyer.

Workplace Dispute

Employment law is not always adhered to by companies and this can lead the workers to run into all manner of issues from contact disputes, bullying or wrongful dismissal. In such as situation you could very well find yourself in need of a great employment lawyer who will represent you and defend you against any wrongdoing on the part of your employer.

Federal Charge

Everyone can make a mistake and if yours is of the criminal variety then you are going to need to find a great lawyer who can represent you. This could be anything from an assault charge to a DUI situation, either way you will need professional representation.

Medical Malpractice

Another situation which could arise, although thankfully it is a rarity, is a medical malpractice situation. This term covers a wide variety of issues which happen whilst you or your family are in hospital, generally indicating poor care, failed operations or gross misconduct from medical professionals. In such a time like this you will most definitely require legal support, in order to raise the issue and bring about justice for what has happened.

As I mentioned at the top, hopefully you never need a lawyer, but it makes sense to have one on hand, just in case.

What Skills Do You Need to Become a Lawyer?

If you are currently deciding which is the best career choice for you, it is important that you weigh up all available options. The best way in which to work out which career fits best for you, is to think about what skills you have, and what your passion is. One of the most common careers which people will tell you from a young age that they would like to do, is that of a lawyer. It is easy to see why law is such a popular career choice, the upholding of justice, the search for innocence and guilt and the opportunity to make a real difference to people’s lives.

Becoming a lawyer is not easy however, and there are some core skills which you’ll need to possess. We spoke to the team at Dolan Law Firm, to find out exactly what skills are required to work in law.


In order to be a lawyer, in whatever branch of the law you decide upon, you must be a person who can be persuasive in their arguments. In order to do this you must have the skills which allow you to view all sides of the argument, and form a compelling case for each one. Whether you are arguing for or against something, you must be able to understand how people will argue against you, and how you can use that to persuade people that you are right.

Academic Ability

With the greatest will in the world, if you do not possess the academic ability to learn the volume of knowledge which is required to become a lawyer, it is unlikely that you will ever succeed. Lawyers must be sharp, studious and intelligent, just to study law in the first place, let alone actually practicing it. This is sometime that you can work on, but if you don’t possess natural academic ability, it will be tough for you to pursue this career path. Law schools will only accept students with excellent grades.


Being a lawyer will require you to process huge amounts information and be able to pick out the key parts which are relevant to whichever case you are working on. In order to do this you must have an analytical approach which allows you to pore through such data, and be able to quickly point out relevancies.


Much of law calls on you to have a great memory, both for your current case, and past cases which can help you in your current case. Lawyers generally have excellent memories when it comes to cases past and present, as well as the requirement to remember the various aspects of the law. If you have a poor memory, this is not to say that you cannot do the job, but you will need to work hard on being able to remember a large amount of information if you wish to be successful.

How many of these skills do you possess?

The Easiest way to prepare for the DMV written exam

There is nothing more American than cars. From ford to Chevy, from trucks to muscle cars, cars have always been a mainstay of America. But to enjoy the wonderful world of cars, you need to get past the DMV, The Department of Motor Vehicles. You need to pass that driver’s license. It can be a very frustrating thing to do, you have to learn a lot of rules and information, and then pass a test. Very often you need a trip to the DMV to pick up a test preparation guide. A small paper booklet that you have to memorize to make sure you can pass their fairly confusing test. Luckily enough you can save at least one trip and get that DMV handbook online for any state you need, as well as a lot of other information that will help you pass the exam.

Step 1 – Actually read the manual

As silly as it seems, you actually need to read the manual. It is not going to absorb into your brain by just having it on your desk or coffee table. Read it. It is a lot of information, but none of it is very difficult. When you download it, sit and read through it once in a single sitting. Read the whole thing, don’t skim and skip and say you know all this. Everyone thinks they know the rules of the road, but an amazing amount of people fail the written exam, even though the DMV makes it simple and they want you to pass it. So read it, and keep reading it, until you are bored of it and know what every page says.

Step 2 – Take practice tests

The best way to avoid test anxiety, which is actually a real physiological condition similar to stage fright, is to take practice tests. After you read the manual one time, take a practice test to see how much you think you know. Some things will be very easy but some will surprise you and it is better to be surprised in a practice test than at the DMV. After you realize you don’t know everything by osmosis, then you can start to re-read the manual again and again, until you can answer any questions in your sleep.

Step 3 – Study early

So you downloaded the manual today and took the practice tests today and your exam at the DMV is tomorrow, really? This is not high school, so start studying long before you need to go take the test. You should know the material a week before, and only just do refreshers before the exam. The refreshers you do aren’t to learn anything, they are there give you confidence that you will own that exam. If you miss any question in the refreshers then you are not ready.

Step 4 – Take your time

Make sure you give yourself enough time to be at the DMV. Don’t try and take the exam on a 15-minute donut break. Make sure that you are not hurried and rushed. Get there with plenty of time, an take your time on the exam itself. Read every question carefully and slowly. If you get stuck and can’t remember one, skip it and move to the net one. if you suddenly forget everything, inhale deeply, breathe out, and relax. Picture the manual that you read 50 times (right?) in your head, imagine page by page until you are bored again, then the answers will flow.

Written driver’s license exams are not that hard, but you do need to take them seriously. It is a small price to pay to get that magnificent license that will let you drive that American muscle car or truck. Having a driver’s license is a privilege, not a right, but it sure feels like it should be a right as it is so ingrained into the American culture. So remember to read, study early, take practice tests, and take your time. So let’s rev the engine to celebrate when you pass.

7 Reasons Why American Colleges are the Best

When it comes to a college education, the universities that we have in the US are simply the best and as such there are many students from around the world who come into the country in order to make the most out of the education that is on offer here. There are many reasons why the USA offers the best colleges in the world and today we are going to have a look at just 7 reasons to support this claim.

Top of the Pops

A recent study by a London-based higher education think tank has found that in the top 25 universities and colleges around the world, the US features 18 times. A similar study carried out by Shanghai Jiao for the annual Academic Ranking of World Universities, actually had 19 US colleges in his top 25 list.

Frats and Sororities

Students and their lifestyle is a huge part of college and there are nowhere in the world that does it quite like we do in the States. At the heart of this college lifestyle is the fraternity system, a student run collection of groups who work together to work, rest and play. There is misconception that these youngsters running around in custom greek letters shirts are nothing but party animals. The truth is however that they are far more than that and they regularly help out in the community and members of the group must maintain good grades to keep their place.

Student Environment

There is more power given to the students in the universities in the United States when it comes to community events and the student way of life. This is something that does exist in other countries, but nowhere near on the scale of the US approach.

Best Professors

A recent study from a job search website found that the US was the most desirable place for professors from around the world to ply their trade. The US has attracted some of the finest professors both domestically and internationally as they look to come and teach the best students on the planet.

Study Pattern

The US is unique in the way that students study, using the 2 and 2 system rather than a 4 year major. What this means is that students aren’t required to pick a major topic until they reach year 3, this system helps students to realize what they would like to be rather than be forced into a choice at a young age.

Job Success

The figure of the amount of people over 25 in the US that hold a degree from university and are unemployed is just 2.3%, one of the lowest figures in the world and proof that an education in the US can help you greatly in the jobs market.


The curriculum which is taught at top colleges like Harvard, Yale and Princeton is revered around the world and it is the culmination of many years of intense work by scholars. If you want the very best education, then the curriculum that is taught here will ensure that you are fully educated.

How to Prepare Your Child for High School

Starting high school is a big deal for any child.  It can be a time of excitement, change, confusion, and fear.

For both parent and child.

Plus, there is always the stress that comes with buying school supplies, and of course, picking out the perfect first day of school outfit.

Knowing how to handle your child’s transition from middle to high school, whether your pre-teen is attending a private school or a public one, is crucial for your child’s smooth transition into an entirely new world.

That’s why today we are offering parents that are prepping for this change some words of wisdom, so that they can help their child succeed as they become full-fledged high schoolers.

1. Go to Orientation

Most high schools offer new students and parents an open house or freshmen orientation before classes begin.  This allows your child to meet their teachers, learn where their classes are, and try out their lockers.

This is a great way for your child to get comfortable with their new surroundings so that on the first day they aren’t worried about how to get around the school.

2. Do Some Summer Work

Okay, convincing your soon to be high schooler that they need to spend some of their summer free time doing schoolwork is probably not the easiest thing to do.  However, if your child was struggling with a particular subject in eighth grade, getting them involved in some sort of summer enrichment program may be helpful.

This will help your child academically when they enter high school, and may even lessen the stress of having to take harder classes, especially if they were indeed challenged the year before.

3. Encourage Them

The more positive you are about this transition, the better it will be for your child.  Encourage your child to make new friends, try new activities, and embrace change.

Change is hard for anyone, especially students that now find themselves as the youngest of the pack.

4. Consider Boarding School

Sometimes placing your child in boarding school is the best option for you and your family’s needs.  There are many benefits awarded students attending boarding school, such as rigorous studies, a wider array of extracurricular activities, and a more college-like experience.

In addition, constant on-campus supervision, the fact that students live in dorms, and the smaller class sizes may allow your child to thrive better in a boarding school than at public school.

There are plenty of high-quality boarding schools in America.  For instance, those living in California, where 26 of the country’s 300 boarding schools are, you might consider Besant Hill boarding school.

5. Talk to Your Child

Never underestimate the power of talking to your child, even as they reach their teen years and start closing off to you.  Even if your child seems like they are not listening, chances are they are hearing you.

Let your child know you love them and are there for them should they need anything at all.  After all, starting high school is a huge milestone for all pre-teens.

It’s good they know they have people helping during this sometimes scary transition.