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Get Deals on Your Travel Plans

If you love to travel, you also likely enjoy coming across a good deal or two whenever you get chance.

With that in mind, are you doing all you can to get the most out of your travel plans? This revolves around saving money whenever and wherever you can. From day trips to long vacation getaways, saving some green when out of your home can be huge.

As many Americans struggle to make ends meet, getting good deals on travel is essential.

So, will you book savings on your upcoming travel ventures?

Do Your Research

To locate the best deals out there, make sure you do research both online and off.

Among the keys to follow:

  1. Internet

Given the explosion of the Internet, should it be a surprise that many travelers head there first?

In using the worldwide web to find travel deals, be sure to look at the obvious and not so obvious.

Did you know there are companies negotiating deals for you and millions of travelers as we speak? If not, make sure you do your research to find such deals.

For instance, do you like to do day trips? If so, purchasing discounted tickets for Universal Studios or other locales is not hard to do.

Whether you know a business offering deals or you need a Google search let the web be your source for savings.

  1. Television

Even with the Internet, millions of travelers still turn on their televisions daily. With that in mind, there are ample opportunities for them to find good deals on travel.

From theme parks to resorts and much more, many companies use TV to promote their offerings.

When summertime rolls around, many parents try to keep their children occupied. Whether it is stuff to do around the house or even sending them off to camp, the options might seem limited at times.

Now, what happens when you’re sitting at home one day and an advertisement for a theme park or the like comes on? Before you know it, you’re thinking about that being a great way to spend some time with your children.

Companies know this; hence they pour millions of dollars into advertising.

By keeping your eyes and ears focused on television, you are likely to find some ideas and savings at the same time.

  1. Rewards

When you tend to be a regular customer for any brand, the brand oftentimes will recognize you in return.

With that in mind, be sure to take advantage of any rewards programs that are floating around out there. When you do, the savings can add up sooner than you realize. As such, you are likely to see more money for travel-related moves all through retirement.

Also work with your family members and friends to build up savings possibilities.

By keeping each other in-tune, there are opportunities for savings on all kinds of travel.

When it comes to finding deals on your travel plans, are you striking out or hitting a home run?

Entertainment, Real Estate, Style, Travel

Five Places to Visit in Fort Collins Colorado

Fort Collins, Colorado is a wonderful place and one of the best cites to visit. It has the best blend of everything you could want in a small city. It has the highest concentration of microbreweries in America. A beautiful view of the Rocky Mountains can be seen from anywhere in town, and a fishable river flows right through. Colorado State University is square in the middle of town which means a bunch of hot 21 year olds, bars, and things to do. There are many places you should visit while you’re in town, but you’d be crazy to miss these five:

  1. Choice City Butcher

Choice City Butcher is an amazing place to go for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. They’re regularly touted as one of the best breakfast places to get a beer because they have a revolving tap collection that features some of the most iconic names in craft brewing. You’ll immediately have access to the best beers you’ve never tried and the selection is constantly changing. After you order drinks, you’ll have a huge menu to choose from that features delicious food that includes meat from: beef, buffalo, rattlesnake, antelope, and more. You haven’t lived until you’ve tried some of Vinny’s rattlesnake sausage so get going.

  1. The Yeti

The Yeti is a club in Fort Collins, Colorado which is split between three different entrances. The main entrance up top is a regular bar that fills up every weekend. The bar has typical bar food and a good selection of drafts, drinks, and cocktails. Overall, it’s nothing special, but it’s a really fun place to drink because the energy is infectious. The side entrance leads you to a completely different bar. This one is more upscale and almost hipsterish in feel. The electronic music and moody ambient lighting make it for one of the unique experiences in Fort Collins. The basement entrance is where the magic happens, though. Every Monday you can get pitchers of beer for one penny! That’s right, penny pitchers! Located in the heart of Old Town Square — The Yeti is the place to go.

  1. Tour De Fat

Tour De Fat is a bicycle an annual bicycling event led by the Fat Tire brewery. Every year people put on ridiculous costumes, get rowdy drunk, and then ride through town all day on their bikes. The brewery makes sure to include plenty of tables that local business can rent out to sell their goods and beer gardens everywhere. Get your bracelet early and drink all day at Tour De Fat!

  1. Universal Wellness Center

It wouldn’t be a list about Colorado if it didn’t include a story about weed! The Universal Wellness Center is pretty much the central hub for marijuana in Fort Collins. They have the biggest selection in town and lovely “budtenders” to help you make the right selection. You can’t help but love the creepy Alice in Wonderland paintings and overwhelming smell.

  1. Coopersmith’s Brewery

Also located in Old Town Square, Coopersmith’s is a huge brewery and eating establishment that offers exceptional taste at a fine price. The atmosphere is easy going but dark. You’ll fall in love with Coopersmith’s as soon as you go in and be ready to visit another famous Fort Collins brewery when you leave.

Business/Investment, Entertainment, Travel

The Best Odd Jobs For When You’re Hitchhiking Across America

If you’re on a shoestring budget, hitching across the US then you’re probably looking for some work to earn some extra money. The trick thing about odd jobs is that you want to find a place to work that meets your requirements: pays cash, starts immediately, nearby. You’ll be able to find all kinds of work out there but here are the types of job I relied on while forking my thumb out into the road.

Get Your Odd Job Online


Okay, so with WWOOF, you don’t actually make money unless the people there are really cool, but you will get a memorable experience. WWOOF is a worldwide opportunity for travellers and volunteers to work on organic farms. Most farmers and growers will allow you to live on their property and feed you, in exchange for work on the farm. WWOOFing is a great way to meet people and get a good, home cooked meal while out on the road. You won’t make any money,  but you will have a place to crash.


In most major cities, there are opening for Taskrabbit workers. Taskrabbit is an app that allows anyone to name their price for a service they can provide. Most of the time, you’ll be picked to arrange furniture or pick up groceries, but there are a varied amount of jobs on Taskrabbit and you’ll be able to pick and choose which services you’ll perform at a rate of your choosing — pretty much the best option.

Freelance with Craigslist

If you have a particular set of skills, then you can post your willingness to use those skills for someone’s project on Craigslist. This option is last for a reason, but you’ll find all sorts of jobs in the area. One tip: look for gigs at events as those are more like to pay you cash on the spot.

No Internet, No Problem

Okay, so you don’t feel like posting everything about your life on the internet but you still want to make money on the go. You do have some options. You can create and sell trinkets as you travel. One thing that’s great about hitchhiking across America is that you’ll meet all sorts of people that haven’t done anything as interesting as what you’re doing — they’ll gladly pay a few dollars for an interesting story if it means they can walk away with a trinket. Another good option to learning an instrument and busking. Busking is easy but in some towns can provide the police with a reason to get in your business. If you see others doing it, chances are you’re good to leave your guitar case open on the sidewalk and play Wagon Wheel three or ten times.

There must be a thousand ways to make money while hitchhiking across America. You might end up in the North or the South, but you’re most likely to find work online these days. If volunteering your services on an organic farm with WWOOF doesn’t pique your interest, then you should definitely check out Craigslist and Taskrabbit for local jobs. Otherwise, you could always make little leather statues and sell them on the side of the road with a guitar in your hand.

Entertainment, Style, Travel

Who Parties Harder? Bachelors or Bachelorettes

Pre-wedding parties have been tradition since anyone can remember. The groom and his guys all get together to have a bachelor party which the bride and her bridesmaids get together for a wild bachelorette party. Both parties typically include a mountain of alcohol, sleazy strippers, and dirty hotel rooms but which party is more wild for the night? There has been much discussion in the past about which group parties harder, and there’s evidence on both sides of the aisle. Here’s my take:

Bachelor Parties and How They Rage

Bachelor parties have long been famous for complete debauchery. Most parties will include insanely drunk groomsmen, strippers, and a location that inspires madness. Forget about The Hangover, no one is ending up with a tiger. Most parties start with a road trip to an unforgettable location and fills the guest list with best friends, strippers, and bartenders. It has been said that sometimes the groom figures out that he doesn’t want to be married following a bachelor party, because he has found that all he wants is meaningless sex, but that’s typically not the case. With most grooms, they’ll be so happy to escape their wild friends and get back safely to the woman that they love. Sure, everyone loves a lap dance, but you’re more likely to see unbelievable bachelor parties in a movie than in real life.

Bachelorette Parties

Bachelorette parties are comprised of the bride and her bridesmaids, but they shouldn’t ever be considered innocent. These parties also can include strippers, booze, and friends but they also have something else: tons of penis shaped paraphernalia. Bachelorette parties are almost famous for being covered in neon colored, plastic penises. Hollywood has shown that bachelorette parties can get just as crazy as the male counterpart. However, in real life, you’re far more likely to see a party that starts strong with strippers and shots and then winds down with a couple of friends discussing their futures. The bride will usually pass out in the hotel room before most of her friends because she’s been fed shots and kept close.

So Who Parties Harder?

Bachelorette parties definitely go harder than bachelor parties. Most bachelor parties are grooms and their groomsmen just getting together for a relaxing night when, all of a sudden, a stripper shows up. Don’t get me wrong, that’s a lot of fun, but it doesn’t really pass for a wild night of drunken shenanigans. This is because bachelor parties are typically just a way for the groom to sit down with his friends and enjoy a final night of being unaccounted for while the other kind of party is more of a free-for-all. Bachelorette parties go super hard because there is, most times, a dangerous amount of alcohol being given to the bride. She’ll get so drunk that some members of the party might think of alcohol poisoning. Anyone that drunk is liable to do some crazy stuff, especially when a huge life event is on the horizon.

Business/Investment, Real Estate, Travel

The Best Cities to Invest In Real Estate in America

If you are looking to invest in real estate, then you should consider cities which are on the upturn so that you can have the largest return on investment possible. There are some cities that are in ruin, yet millennials run to them for cheap housing. If you weigh all the data, it will be easy to see that some of these unconventional picks are worth your attention.

Bozeman, Montana

You probably didn’t expect a city from Montana to be topping a “best of list” unless it was for “Best Cities to Go to Montana State University” but there is a method to this madness. Bozeman, historically, has been a small, working class city. The local university brings in a quarter of the town’s population every year but there have been others coming to the city for the past few years. It seems that the way Montana’s tax system is structured has created a haven for startup technology companies who can’t compete in Silicon Valley. These companies are moving to Montana instead and picking off the fresh engineering students from the university. The city is becoming more affluent and many fly fishers from the northeast are starting to buy up real estate.

Detroit, Michigan

Another unconventional pick, yes, but Detroit is one of the best cities to invest in real estate in America lately. A few years ago the city was bankrupt and there are hardly any jobs. However, there are a bunch of jobs starting to open up just 30 minutes north of the city and many millennials are moving to Detroit for dirt cheap housing. Neither the native locals nor the millennials can afford to purchase real estate which is what makes Detroit a sleeper hit.

Dallas, Texas

Cost of living in Dallas is poised to become one of the highest in the nation of the course of the next few years. Advising that figure is 6.2% three-year populace development, 3.9% employment increases a year ago and 9% yearly home cost picks up. Homes in Dallas are additionally underestimated; notable midpoints compared to adjacent city’s cost of living make Dallas a sure thing.

Seattle, Washington

The weed trade has turned Seattle into the crowned jewel of the Pacific Northwest. In the past year, prices have raised 12% and there is no end in sight. Restaurants in the city are doing so well, in fact, that they have done away with tipping waitstaff and restaurateurs are now paying them an overly rate. The population of the city is booming and more companies are moving to, what could be, the hottest city in America right now.

Those are four picks that probably were not expected for most real estate hounds, but the reality of the situation is that America is bouncing back. There were so many cities which were devastated back in the 2008 recession that are starting to do very well as a result of intelligent policy making. While other cities in America fall deeper into debt, the ones cited on this list are becoming major metropolitan hotspots.