How to Prepare Your Child for High School

Starting high school is a big deal for any child.  It can be a time of excitement, change, confusion, and fear.

For both parent and child.

Plus, there is always the stress that comes with buying school supplies, and of course, picking out the perfect first day of school outfit.

Knowing how to handle your child’s transition from middle to high school, whether your pre-teen is attending a private school or a public one, is crucial for your child’s smooth transition into an entirely new world.

That’s why today we are offering parents that are prepping for this change some words of wisdom, so that they can help their child succeed as they become full-fledged high schoolers.

1. Go to Orientation

Most high schools offer new students and parents an open house or freshmen orientation before classes begin.  This allows your child to meet their teachers, learn where their classes are, and try out their lockers.

This is a great way for your child to get comfortable with their new surroundings so that on the first day they aren’t worried about how to get around the school.

2. Do Some Summer Work

Okay, convincing your soon to be high schooler that they need to spend some of their summer free time doing schoolwork is probably not the easiest thing to do.  However, if your child was struggling with a particular subject in eighth grade, getting them involved in some sort of summer enrichment program may be helpful.

This will help your child academically when they enter high school, and may even lessen the stress of having to take harder classes, especially if they were indeed challenged the year before.

3. Encourage Them

The more positive you are about this transition, the better it will be for your child.  Encourage your child to make new friends, try new activities, and embrace change.

Change is hard for anyone, especially students that now find themselves as the youngest of the pack.

4. Consider Boarding School

Sometimes placing your child in boarding school is the best option for you and your family’s needs.  There are many benefits awarded students attending boarding school, such as rigorous studies, a wider array of extracurricular activities, and a more college-like experience.

In addition, constant on-campus supervision, the fact that students live in dorms, and the smaller class sizes may allow your child to thrive better in a boarding school than at public school.

There are plenty of high-quality boarding schools in America.  For instance, those living in California, where 26 of the country’s 300 boarding schools are, you might consider Besant Hill boarding school.

5. Talk to Your Child

Never underestimate the power of talking to your child, even as they reach their teen years and start closing off to you.  Even if your child seems like they are not listening, chances are they are hearing you.

Let your child know you love them and are there for them should they need anything at all.  After all, starting high school is a huge milestone for all pre-teens.

It’s good they know they have people helping during this sometimes scary transition.


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