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What Are the Key Elements of Creative Teams?

What is the commonality between scientific collaborators, successful Broadway musical production teams, and the Boston Red Sox have in common? This was something that was researched a few years ago by Northwestern University and their results have driven innovation management software for businesses packages ever since. Essentially, the study look at a wealth of teams known to be highly creative and who had exhibited phenomenal performances when they worked together.

Unsurprisingly, one of the key things they found was that each team was made up of a fantastic diversity of people and individuals. Indeed, no two people in any of the teams were even remotely the same. However, this diversity was seen not solely in the age differences, gender differences, or ethnic differences between the participants. While those differences were also present, those weren’t the ones that caused true breakthrough performances. What was far more important, and turned out to be the true key predictor, was that the best performing teams had people in it that had been there a while and that had a lot of experience, but also a few newer members who were very new to the field. Indeed, in the study, teams with nothing but experienced people, so those that didn’t add any newbies, didn’t do as well as those who did add new people. Clearly, therefore, it is the influx of new blood and new ideas, combined with existing experience, that brings about real innovation.

So how does this apply to your team? Is it simply as easy as adding some new members to a team that is feeling a bit staid and old? Well, according to Northwestern University, that is exactly what is needed. Best of all, you don’t need to create a full time position for someone new. Simply bringing them in for a couple of hours to brainstorm is all that is needed!

So What about Facial Hair?

One of the best ways to increase creativity is to expose teams to a range of different forms of information, from a wealth of different sources. Those sources can be really unexpected, in fact. Consider, for example, that research has consistently shown over half of all people believe that men who are clean shaven are more honest than those who have a beard. The reason for this is that a face full of fur is something people subconsciously associate with poor hygiene, concealment, and diabolical intent. Yes, really.

If you have ever looked at the Forbes Top 100 list of the richest people of the world. What you will find is that not one individual on that list has a beard. In fact, very few have so much as a moustache! Similarly, no candidate running for American presidency has had a moustache or a beard since 1910.

To take this back to innovation, if you do want to get your creative juices flowing, particularly if you have brought in an outsider to help with this, then make sure everybody has a shave first!

Business/Investment, Entertainment, Travel

The Best Odd Jobs For When You’re Hitchhiking Across America

If you’re on a shoestring budget, hitching across the US then you’re probably looking for some work to earn some extra money. The trick thing about odd jobs is that you want to find a place to work that meets your requirements: pays cash, starts immediately, nearby. You’ll be able to find all kinds of work out there but here are the types of job I relied on while forking my thumb out into the road.

Get Your Odd Job Online


Okay, so with WWOOF, you don’t actually make money unless the people there are really cool, but you will get a memorable experience. WWOOF is a worldwide opportunity for travellers and volunteers to work on organic farms. Most farmers and growers will allow you to live on their property and feed you, in exchange for work on the farm. WWOOFing is a great way to meet people and get a good, home cooked meal while out on the road. You won’t make any money,  but you will have a place to crash.


In most major cities, there are opening for Taskrabbit workers. Taskrabbit is an app that allows anyone to name their price for a service they can provide. Most of the time, you’ll be picked to arrange furniture or pick up groceries, but there are a varied amount of jobs on Taskrabbit and you’ll be able to pick and choose which services you’ll perform at a rate of your choosing — pretty much the best option.

Freelance with Craigslist

If you have a particular set of skills, then you can post your willingness to use those skills for someone’s project on Craigslist. This option is last for a reason, but you’ll find all sorts of jobs in the area. One tip: look for gigs at events as those are more like to pay you cash on the spot.

No Internet, No Problem

Okay, so you don’t feel like posting everything about your life on the internet but you still want to make money on the go. You do have some options. You can create and sell trinkets as you travel. One thing that’s great about hitchhiking across America is that you’ll meet all sorts of people that haven’t done anything as interesting as what you’re doing — they’ll gladly pay a few dollars for an interesting story if it means they can walk away with a trinket. Another good option to learning an instrument and busking. Busking is easy but in some towns can provide the police with a reason to get in your business. If you see others doing it, chances are you’re good to leave your guitar case open on the sidewalk and play Wagon Wheel three or ten times.

There must be a thousand ways to make money while hitchhiking across America. You might end up in the North or the South, but you’re most likely to find work online these days. If volunteering your services on an organic farm with WWOOF doesn’t pique your interest, then you should definitely check out Craigslist and Taskrabbit for local jobs. Otherwise, you could always make little leather statues and sell them on the side of the road with a guitar in your hand.